Maple - Jazz Dance

4:45 pm to 5:45 pm

The Maple Park Community Center offers a variety of programs to those ages 6-12. Sign up for the April programs that are held Monday-Friday, Monday-Thursday 3:30PM-5:45PM and Friday 2:15PM-5:00PM.

The April Youth Programs at the Maple Park Community Center Include:

Arts & Crafts, Read & Create, Creative Writing, BINGO, Fitness, and Dance. 

If you would like more specific information on these programs please contact Deangelo Adams, (843)665-3228.


Youth participants must be a member of the after school program, for more information on this please contact Deangelo Adams, (843)665-3228. Visit,, to register. AN ADD OF $6 INSURANCE FEE ON WILL APPEAR WHEN CHECKING OUT, IF YOU HAVE NOT PAID YOU INSURANCE FEE FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR PLEASE DO SO.  Youth also have access to the computer lab at the Maple Park Community Center from 2:15PM-3:15PM Monday-Thursday.

Repeats every week every Wednesday 3 times.
Maple Park Community Center