Collection Days by Route:
Bad Weather
In bad weather, such as snow or icy conditions, the Sanitation Division will attempt to operate, and each resident may choose whether or not to roll out their cart. If the Sanitation Division suspends service, an announcement will be made via the news media. You are advised to tune in to your local television or radio station during bad weather to find out if the Sanitation Division is operating.
The regular collection schedule will be subject to modification on the following City holidays as follows:
- New Year's Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- Fourth of July
- Labor Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day and Friday
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
NOTE: The City of Florence Sanitation Division provides curbside garbage collection and recycling on most holidays. Announcements will be made in the news media, on your city water bill, and via text alert concerning the rescheduling of your garbage collection, if and when services are suspended. If collection is suspended due to holiday(s), your service day is typically the next day following the holiday. Yard waste is not collected on holidays.
TEXT ALERTS: To sign up for City of Florence text alerts, text "Hey Cy" to (855) 964-3929. To learn more, click here!