For Immediate Release – June 17, 2021
Media Contacts:
Randy Osterman, City Manager – 843-665-3113 or
Michael Hemingway, Utilities Director – 843-665-3236 or
FLORENCE, SC – In order to complete necessary water system utility work associated with the Alligator Road Highway Widening Project Phase II, the City of Florence is notifying its citizens of an upcoming outage on Monday, June 21, 2021. The water outage is expected to take a day for this phase of work and will occur between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. This service interruption is necessary to relocate existing piping within the right-of-way of the new Alligator Road to residences and businesses. The Alligator Road Highway Widening Project is funded through the Florence County Project Sales Tax II funding.
The outage planned on Monday, June 21, 2021 will affect water customers in the following areas: 4200 – 4400 Block of Alligator Road from I-95 to Southern Aire Road, and Bert Lane. Notices of the outage will be hand-delivered to the addresses of all impacted customers.
Since making these connections requires a temporary shutdown of the water system and a loss of pressure to the area along this portion of Alligator Road and some connecting roads, out of a preponderance of caution, the South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control (SCDHEC) requires that a Boil Water Advisory notice be issued to effected customers following these interruptions. The attached map shows the highlighted areas in blue where the water service outage will occur.
The City of Florence apologizes for any inconvenience to our customers. We ask for your patience as we complete this work in support of the Alligator Road Highway Widening project. Should have any questions concerning this notice, you may call the City of Florence at (843) 665-3236 or SCDHEC (843) 661-4825.