For Immediate Release – November 8, 2024
Lead and Copper Rule Revision
Media Contacts:
Josh Whittington, Utilities Director - (843) 665-3236 or
FLORENCE, SC – Earlier this year, City of Florence Utility crews began work associated with the Federal Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule Revision to conduct an inventory of water service lines to determine the type of materials used (lead, galvanized pipe, non-lead, or unknown). The water service line is the pipe that connects the residence to the City's water main in the street (see attached picture.)
The drinking water provided to customers by the City of Florence does not contain lead. Lead does not occur naturally in water. There is no lead in the city’s water sources or when it leaves the city’s treatment facilities and travels through our miles of lead-free pipes. Lead enters drinking water primarily due to the corrosion, or wearing away, of materials containing lead in customer-owned water service lines and household plumbing.
In homes built before 1986, when lead service lines and plumbing fixtures made with lead components were common, lead can enter residents' drinking water through the corrosion process. To date, approximately 24,000 customers have been cleared as having no service lines made with lead. Approximately 450 customer service lines have been identified as containing galvanized material. The remaining estimated 8,200 accounts have been labeled as unknown at this time as city crews continue conducting inspections.
Customers in the categories of having galvanized pipe material or unknown pipe material will receive a letter from the City of Florence and 120Water, as required by the EPA, by the postmarked date of November 16, 2024. The letter will detail findings of the inspection and steps moving forward. Customer service lines requiring replacement will occur over the EPA’s thirteen-year project timeline.
120Water provides water quality testing and management solutions to help businesses, municipalities, and organizations ensure their water meets safety and regulatory standards. Their platform offers services like lead and copper testing, water quality monitoring, and compliance management to support public water systems in meeting EPA regulations and maintaining safe drinking water. To learn more about 120 water, visit their website here:
If you have any questions concerning this notice, please email the City of Florence Utilities Department at or call at (843) 665-3236.