City of Florence Utilizes American Rescue Plan Act Funds:


The City of Florence has allocated $500,000 of American Rescue Plan Act Funds to demolish abandoned and blighted homes within city neighborhoods. The first group of houses to be demolished include 408 Johns Street, 1102 Harmony Street, 112 East Liberty Street, and 101 East Roughfork Street.
Demolition started this morning at 408 Johns Street in East Florence

1.   Remove the numerous blighted and abandoned homes within City of Florence neighborhoods.
2.   Reduce crime by removing potential structures that can be utilized for illegal activity.
3.   Promote health and safety by removing structures that may be potential fire hazards, prone to vagrant activity, and infestation.
4.   Beautify our neighborhoods and enforce codes compliance accountability by property owners.
5.   Long-term future development within City neighborhoods.