For Immediate Release – November 16, 2021
Boil Water Advisory
Media Contacts:
Michael Hemingway, Utilities Director – 843-665-3236 or
FLORENCE, SC – Attention Florence Water Customers located within the 1200 Block of Alligator Road. A utility contractor damaged the eight-inch water main within this portion of Alligator Road, which has caused a disruption of service to water customers within the affected area. City staff are presently on-site to complete the repair to restore water to impacted customers. City of Florence Water staff advises water customers in this area to boil their tap water vigorously for one minute prior to using it for drinking or cooking.
There has been no confirmed contamination of the system; however, because of the loss of pressure a slight potential for bacteriological contamination exists. Therefore, as a precautionary measure the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) requires the City of Florence to issue this advisory when an event occurs that allows the possibility for bacteria to enter the water system. Water customers in this area should continue to vigorously boil their water for at least one full minute prior to drinking or cooking until notified by the City of Florence. Any ice made from water that has not been boiled should not be used for drinking purposes.
The boil water advisory is a precautionary measure to protect public health until test results confirm the water is safe to drink. Because the water quality is unknown at this time customers are urged to take appropriate precautions. Test results for bacteriological quality should be completed by Wednesday, November 17, 2021, at which time the City of Florence will notify customers regarding the status of the boil water advisory.
If you have any questions concerning this notice, please call the City of Florence at (843) 665-3236 or SCDHEC (843) 661-4825.